Perené Ashéninka

Ashéninka Perené
Spoken in Perú
Native speakers 5,500 (2001, SIL)  (date missing)
Language family
  • Southern
    • Campa
      • Ashéninka
        • Ashéninka Perené
Language codes
ISO 639-3 prq

Ashéninka Perené or Ashéninca Perené is an indigenous American language of the Arawakan family spoken by natives in Perú's Upper Perené river, a tributary of the Pachitea river. This variety of Ashéninka is somewhat mutually comprehensibale with other Ashéninka languages. It is official in the area where it is the predominantly spoken language in line with the Peruvian constitution. There is 30% literacy and 55% literacy for second language Spanish speakers. The language has had grammar developed. The tongue is sometimes called Perené Campa; Campa is considered an offensive term. 30% have some proficiency in Spanish while 40% have intermediate to advanced knowledge.
